Women entrepreneurs lead the management of proximity attention centers of “Luz en Casa” in Panama

  • In Panama, the number of women entrepreneurs in charge of the management of the “Luz en Casa” Centers of acciona.org has doubled in the last year. 
  • These centers offer services and supplies to the communities benefited by the electricity service of acciona.org in the Ngäbe-Bulgé indigenous region. The women who lead these microfranchises promote their empowerment and economic independence.  

In Panama, the number of women entrepreneurs in charge of the management of the “Luz en Casa” Centers (Light at Home Centers) has increased to 8 in the last year. In total, acciona.org has promoted the opening of 10 centers in its area of operation, the Ngäbe-Buglé region, to offer assistance and manage the service to the beneficiary population of "Luz en Casa" programme. 

“Luz en Casa” is a rural electrification programme that brings service to remote communities. It has a management model that involves all the actors to ensure that the service is sustainable in the long term. One of the pillars that guarantee this sustainability are these proximity centers. 

In the last year, 4 new “Luz en Casa” Centers have been opened in Ngäbe-Buglé and the leaders of all of them are women from the indigenous region. With these figures, Panama now has 10 “Luz en Casa” Centers in operation, 80% of which are in charge of local women entrepreneurs. 

Digna Amador, entrepreneur in charge of the “Luz en Casa” Center of Cerro Iglesias, is one of the women who manage, in her small business, the attention to the users and the technical support. Like all the people in charge of these small enterprises, acciona.org provides training on the services to be offered. "I have learned a lot: why the lamps don't turn on or the battery has problems, among other issues. I try to help people understand what is happening with their service and system" says Digma. 

The projects of acciona.org guarantee equal opportunities for all people and help to achieve more inclusive realities. In Panama, almost 150 women participate in community governance committees, helping to facilitate communications between the beneficiary populations and acciona.org. 

acciona.org promotes new opportunities and social progress for all people without discrimination.